Mac users: add the osx layer to use the OS X keybindings! Changing the colour theme. You can toggle the theme by SPC T n. This cycles between currently activated themes. You can find more by adding the themes-megapack layer and activate them by writing their names in the dotspacemacs-themes list. SpaceControl shows the free space available on your startup disk and warns you when the free space goes below the choosen limit. The warning can also be sent by e-mail. SpaceControl also have. Spaces was a virtual desktop feature of Mac OS X, introduced in Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard. It was announced by Steve Jobs during the opening keynote at the Worldwide Developers Conference on August 7, 2006. As of Mac OS X 10.7 Lion, it has been incorporated into Mission Control.

Developer(s)Apple Inc.
Final release
1.1 / August 28, 2009
Operating systemMac OS X
TypeVirtual desktop

Spaces[1] was a virtual desktop feature of Mac OS X, introduced in Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard. It was announced by Steve Jobs during the opening keynote at the Worldwide Developers Conference on August 7, 2006. As of Mac OS X 10.7 Lion, it has been incorporated into Mission Control.


Spaces enables users to create multiple virtual desktops suited to the unique needs or work habits of the user. A user could, for example, create and assign a 'space' to office work, enabling the user to leave a work-related application (such as a word processor or a spreadsheet) running full screen and then switch to a different space designated for browsing the Internet or navigating file structure in Finder windows. Up to 16 spaces can be created, and applications can be bound to specific spaces. There are various ways to navigate between spaces, including user-configured, function-key combinations, hot corners (via Exposé), or by dragging windows and applications — in the direction of the desired space — to the corresponding edge of the screen and holding for a moment until the space switches. The Dashboard functions as a separate space, on the left of the other spaces by default.


In Mac OS X 10.5 LeopardSystem Preferences, a checkbox labeled 'Enable Spaces' must first be checked in the 'Exposé & Spaces' preferences, under the 'Spaces' tab. Then, as many as 16 spaces can be created by adding rows or columns. Application assignments may be added and bound to specific spaces listed, by their corresponding numbers, in the right-hand column. When an assigned application is launched, it will open on the designated space and remain in that location unless it is moved manually to another space.

There are a few settings for activating and switching between spaces. A checkbox at the bottom of the panel allows switching spaces automatically when switching between applications bound to spaces. This is achieved either by clicking on application icons in the dock, or by pressing ⌘ (Command) + Tab, and Spaces will jump directly to the space that the chosen application has been assigned to. A limitation of Spaces lies in the fact that some applications featuring tool palettes and/or multiple open document windows (such as Adobe Creative Suite or Microsoft Office applications) cannot be consistently bound to a specific (numbered) space. In such cases, the 'switching' function responds to the most recently active document, regardless of which space it has been opened upon, so it is usually more efficient to avoid assigning such applications to a specific space and to run them unassigned, opening documents in the desired space.

This simulator will familiarize you with the controls of the actual interface used by NASA Astronauts to manually pilot the SpaceX Dragon 2 vehicle to the International Space Station. Successful docking is achieved when all green numbers in the center of the interface are below 0.2.Movement in space is slow and requires patience & precision. The partition with index 1 is your EFI partition. The partitions with index 2 and 3 are your main OS X volume named Macintosh HD (also visible in the second screenshot) and your Recovery HD. The partition with the index 4 is your NTFS volume WinB (also visible in the second screenshot).

Function-key combinations can also be configured to activate the full-screen Spaces grid view, switch between spaces directionally, or switch directly to a specific space by number. A function allows applications or windows to be moved into (or through) adjacent spaces by dragging and holding the window (or document) at the edge of the screen. During a transition to a new space, a small, translucent image representing the Spaces grid configuration will be shown in the center of the screen for a few seconds, with arrows representing the movement, and the active space highlighted.

When viewing the full-screen grid, spaces themselves may be re-arranged by dragging and dropping (requires clicking on the blue 'desktop' area, instead of on a window within it). This does not change the application assignments, but is equivalent to manually moving a window or document to a new space. The application will retain its assignment and when launched at a later date, will run on the originally assigned space.

Spaces also works effectively with Exposé, another Mac OS X feature, where you can designate a 'hot corner' to activate the full-screen feature of Spaces, showing a 'zoomed-out' grid of scaled-down thumbnails for each space. Also, when the Spaces grid has been activated, Exposé may be additionally deployed to reveal the active windows or documents on each space.


Although Spaces was a new feature for Mac OS X 10.5, virtual desktops existed for quite some time on other platforms, such as Linux, Solaris, AIX and BeOS. Virtual desktops also existed for Windows[2] and for Mac OS X via third party software.,[3] and it has been a standard feature on Linuxdesktops for a number of years.[4] The first platform to implement multiple desktop display as a hardware feature was the Amiga 1000, released in 1985.[5] Virtual Desktops were finally added to the Windows platform with Windows 10 in 2015.


  1. ^'Leopard Sneak Peek - Spaces'. Apple Inc. Archived from the original on July 10, 2007.
  2. ^Multiple Desktop Support in Windows
  3. ^'Spaces: A look at Apple's take on virtual desktops'. ComputerWorld. November 21, 2006. Archived from the original on October 22, 2007.
  4. ^ Red Hat Linux 6.1 Getting Started Guide, 1999.
  5. ^ Screens - Amiga Related Books FAQ, 3.3 Amiga Specific

External links[edit]

Retrieved from ''

Quick quiz: Do you still have your Dock at the bottom of your desktop (where OS X puts it by default)? Do you still use only the icons that came with the OS? Most of us use OS X’s stock interface elements, arranged as they were out of the box. But you don’t have to use someone else’s workspace. Here’s how some Mac users have customized the Mac’s visual environment.

Move the Dock

It has always puzzled me that OS X puts the Dock at the bottom of the screen by default. I like my Dock to be visible all the time, but I also want as much vertical screen space as possible for Web pages and other windows. So I chose Apple -> Dock -> Position On Right. But then I also used Terminal to enter the commands defaults write pinning end and (after pressing Return) killall Dock. That anchored the Dock to the lower right corner of the screen, with the Trash on the bottom (where it has been for as long as I’ve been using a Mac, and where it’s an easier target when I’m dragging items to it).—JOE KISSELL

Max the Dock

I’ve wholeheartedly embraced the Dock—but I use it very methodically. Only programs I use very regularly—many of them are always running—get permanent spots there. Among other things, this helps me build muscle memory: I know where each app is, so it’s easier to click on or drag items to. On the right-hand side of the Dock, I keep several frequently accessed folders, including an alias of /Volumes (for browsing drives via hierarchical Dock menus) and a folder containing aliases of my most-frequently accessed files. I’ve customized those folders with FolderBrander (), so it’s obvious which one is which. Just to the right of those folders, I put folders for in-progress projects—-this turns the Dock into a sort of to-do list: I can just look down at the Dock to see what’s due. Finally, I use Quay () to enhance the Dock’s List-view pop-up menus.—DAN FRAKES

Replace the Dock

DragThing has helped me keep my desktop organized: I created an Important Files folder in my Documents folder; in it, I put twelve subfolders that can accommodate just about any kind of file I’d normally leave on the desktop—work files and folders, in-progress projects, podcasts, pictures, audio files, and download archives I want to hang on to. I then created a DragThing palette that contains all these folders, and I configured the utility so those folders would open with a single click. At the end of each day, I file all the items I’ve dropped on the desktop into their respective folders. When I need something from one of them, a single click opens it.

Because many of the files I create each day are Macworld-related, I took the additional step of creating an Automator workflow that moves selected files into my Macworld Stuff folder. I saved that workflow as an application and placed it in my DragThing palette for frequently used folders. To quickly file my Macworld work at the end of the day, I select the files I want to put away, and click on the Automator application; then DragThing files the selected items away. Oh, and DragThing lets me put the Trash on the desktop, where it belongs.—CHRISTOPHER BREEN


Augment the Dock


I use Overflow () in conjunction with the Dock to manage and launch my applications: I put links to almost all of them in Overflow; only my everyday programs go in the Dock. Within Overflow, I separate applications into ten categories: Office, Writing, Audio, Visual, Web, Movies, Games, Money, Utilities, and Dev & UI. This way, I can get to pretty much any program I need in a couple of clicks.—DARREN R. CHANDLER

Dress up Stacks

Mac Os Mojave

Customize drive icons

When you’ve got your camera’s memory card, a thumb drive, and a FireWire drive mounted on your Mac at the same time, telling them apart isn’t easy—unless they have representative icons. If you want your external drive, for example, to show up as something other than a generic white disk, select it in the Finder and press Command-I to summon its Info pane. Then switch to your browser and find an online image—perhaps an product shot of your drive, or a drive icon from a site such as—and copy it to your Clipboard. Select the drive’s icon in the Info pane and press Command-V to assign your chosen graphic to the drive. Now the drive will appear on your desktop, on the Dock, and in your Finder with its new icon.—GINA TRAPANI

Maximize Spaces

Before Leopard, I relied heavily on Expose to switch between my open apps. But although Expose makes switching between apps convenient, things can get pretty cluttered pretty fast when a lot of apps are open at once. So when Leopard arrived, I decided to give Spaces a try. I grouped applications into six workspaces:

1. Internet Safari, Firefox, iWeb, and Transmit (FTP Client).

2. Contacts/Calendar/Email Address Book, iCal, and Mail.

Spacexistential Mac Os Catalina

3. Productivity Pages, Keynote, and Numbers (I’d put Microsoft Office applications here, too, if they integrated better with Spaces.)

4. Audio WaveBurner, Logic Pro, Compressor, iTunes, Garage Band, MainStage, and Soundtrack Pro.

Mac Os Catalina

5. Photos iPhoto and Adobe Photoshop.

6. Video iMovie, iDVD, and HandBrake.

Spacexistential Mac Os 7

The Finder and iChat appear in every space, so they’re always accessible. I still use Expose to navigate between apps within a space. To switch between spaces, I set it up so that I can press Option-number or Option-arrow key to navigate.—EVAN STUMPGES

Flexible Spaces

Mac Os Versions

Spaces allows me to not only segregate my applications but also have them launch automatically in specific workspaces. For example, I’ve set it up so Mail and Safari open in one space, productivity apps open in another, and iTunes gets a third space to itself. But I let other applications open in whatever space I’m currently working in. For example, I use BBEdit all the time for writing; if I want to write something down while browsing in Safari, I open BBEdit in Safari’s space. Later, I might be reading NetNewsWire news feeds in another space and want to jot down something else; BBEdit is open over in the first space, so I just move my mouse to the top right corner of the screen (the hotspot I’ve assigned to display all spaces, using the Expose preference pane’s Active Screen Corners section) and drag the BBEdit window to the space I’m in.—KIRK MCELHEARN

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