1. Mac Os 10.1 Iso
  2. Temperature 1 Mac Os X
  3. Mac Os Temperature
  4. Mac Os Mojave

Using the Intel® Power Gadget API on Mac OS X*

OS X Yosemite 10.10; OS X El Capitan 10.11; macOS Sierra 10.12; Review the full list of supported Macs. For older systems, look here. If you are a registered user of a previous version, you can download the current version at no cost.

Intel® Power Gadget for Mac* is a GUI application that provides real-time data on processor frequency and estimated processor power, and can log frequency, power, energy, and temperature data over time. Intel® Power Gadget also provides a C Application Programming Interface (API) for accessing this power and frequency data in your program. Intel® Power Gadget is also available for Windows* and Linux*. Intel® Power Gadget and the API are only supported on 2nd generation and later Intel® Core processors, because previous processors do not support the necessary power Model Specific Registers (MSRs).

Typing Degree symbols on Mac. Option + Shift + 8 produces one similar to this 85 ° Temperature symbol Option + K a symbol type like this Degree Symbol 54˚ These key combinations are universal and supported wherever you can insert in Mac OS X, no matter which app you are on the Mac. Just so you know, the sensor this uses is the CPU Proximity temperature, which is different from the CPU PECI (overall CPU temperature) and each core's individual temperatures, that are often significantly higher than the CPU Proximity. Macs Fan Control reports CPU Proximity on my Mac as 55ºC, but CPU PECI as 63ºC – Velociround Aug 14 '20. Just so you know, the sensor this uses is the CPU Proximity temperature, which is different from the CPU PECI (overall CPU temperature) and each core's individual temperatures, that are often significantly higher than the CPU Proximity. Macs Fan Control reports CPU Proximity on my Mac as 55ºC, but CPU PECI as 63ºC – Velociround Aug 14 '20. Long story short, the normal CPU temperature must be around 45-65 degrees for a healthy system. So, if the number goes above this normal level, you must think of cutting down the workload of the CPU. Now that the talk is over, it’s time to run through the quick steps. Check CPU Temperature on macOS Using Fanny App.

Intro to the Intel® Power Gadget API

The Intel® Power Gadget API is a framework (IntelPowerGadget .framework) that provides a C interface for reading current estimated processor power, current processor frequency, base frequency, thermal design power (TDP), current temperature, maximum temperature, timestamps, and elapsed time. It also provides logging functionality.

What You Need

To use the API you’ll need the Intel® Power Gadget for Mac* driver and framework. These are included in the Intel® Power Gadget installer, or as a standalone API installer. The driver is installed to /System/Library/Extensions/EnergyDriver.kext, and the framework is installed to /Library/Frameworks/IntelPowerGadget.framework.

To link with the Intel® Power Gadget API you simply need to include
–framework IntelPowerGadget in your link command.

Using the Intel® Power Gadget API

To begin you must initialize the library by calling IntelEnergyLibInitialize.

The most common use of the Intel® Power Gadget API is to read samples with ReadSample. The API supports sampling of specific Model Specific Registers (MSRs). Meta data on the sampled MSRs can be queried with GetNumMsrs, GetMsrName, and GetMsrFunc. GetNumMsrs returns the number of sampled MSRs; MSRs are given an ID from 0 to n-1, where n is the number returned by GetNumMsrs. The MSR ID is used to get data for a specific MSR with functions GetPowerData, GetMsrName, and GetMsrFunc.

Calling GetPowerData for each sampled MSR will provide you with the relevant data from that MSR. An MSR’s function (from GetMsrFunc) determines the amount and meaning of data returned from GetPowerData. MSRs with function 0 (frequency) return 1 result, which represents the frequency in megahertz. MSRs with function 1 (power) return 3 results, which represent the average power in watts, cumulative energy in Joules, and cumulative energy in milliwatt-hours. MSRs with function 2 (temperature) return 1 result, which represents the temperature in degrees Celsius. The Intel® Power Gadget API currently supports sampling with the following MSRs: processor frequency, estimated processor power, and package temperature. The currently supported MSR functions are: frequency (0), power (1), temperature (2).

ReadSample also reads the system time and Time Stamp Counter (TSC) at the time the sample is read. These values are available via GetSysTime and GetRDTSC; the time interval between samples is available (in seconds) via GetTimeInterval. Note that you must call ReadSample prior to calling GetPowerData, GetRDTSC, and GetTimeInterval, and that you must call ReadSample twice before calling GetTimeInterval and before getting power data (as opposed to frequency or temperature data) from GetPowerData, as they are computed using the difference between two samples.

The Intel® Power Gadget API also supports reading generic MSRs with ReadMSR, which returns the raw data from the MSR. However, note that specifying an invalid MSR address can crash your system and could potentially corrupt it. There is no method to determine if an MSR address is valid. The API supports reading common individual MSRs without having to specify the MSR address or read an entire sample; the supported functions are: GetIAFrequency, GetMaxTemperature, GetTemperature, and GetTDP.

The sample data from ReadSample can be logged to a file. Logging can be enabled at any time by calling StartLog, and subsequently disabled by calling StopLog. Note that the logged data isn’t written until StopLog is called. Both StartLog and StopLog cause an internal call to ReadSample.

Sampling Considerations

The frequency at which you read samples may have an impact on the accuracy of data. The instantaneous processor frequency can change significantly from moment to moment. Frequency data may be more meaningful if you sample often and average the frequency samples over time. The processor power is calculated by taking the difference between two samples, thus a shorter interval between samples will result in more fine-grained power data. However, the frequency at which you read samples may also impact the performance of the system. Using a very short frequency (e.g. less than 20 milliseconds) may result in significant overhead, and may also increase the power consumption of the system, both of which may reduce the usefulness of the data. The Intel® Power Gadget application uses a default sampling frequency of 50 milliseconds, and updates the GUI with averaged frequency and power data every second.


Download the Xcode project for this example application here.

API Reference

Initializes the library and connects to the driver.

Returns the number of CPU packages on the system.

Returns the number of supported MSRs for bulk reading and logging.

Returns in szName the name of the MSR specified by iMsr. Note that the Windows version uses wchar_t.

Returns in pFuncID the function of the MSR specified by iMsrCurrently supported functions are: 0 = frequency, 1 = power, 2 = temperature.

Reads the MSR specified by address on the package specified by iNode, and returns the value in value. Warning: Specifying an invalid MSR address can crash your system and could potentially corrupt it. There is no method to determine if an MSR address is valid.

Reads the processor frequency MSR on the package specified by iNode, and returns the frequency in MHz in freqInMHz.

Reads the package power info MSR on the package specified by iNode, and returns the TDP in watts in TDP.

Reads the temperature target MSR on the package specified by iNode, and returns the maximum temperature in degrees Celsius in degreeC.

Reads the temperature MSR on the package specified by iNode, and returns the current temperature in degrees Celsius in degreeC.

Reads sample data from the driver for all the supported MSRs. Note that two calls to ReadSample are necessary to calculate power data, as power data is calculated using the difference between two samples.

Returns the system time as of the last call to ReadSample. The data returned in pSysTime is structured as follows:

pSysTime[63:32] = time in seconds

pSysTime[31:0] = time in nanoseconds

Returns in pTSC the processors time stamp counter as of the last call to ReadSample. Note that this function does not execute the rdtsc instruction directly, but instead returns the TSC from when the last sample was read.

Returns in pOffset the time in seconds that has elapsed between the two most recent calls to ReadSample.

Returns in pBaseFrequency the advertised processor frequency for the package specified by iNode.

Temperature 1 Mac OS

Returns the data collected by the most recent call to ReadSample. The returned data is for the data on the package specified by iNode, from the MSR specified by iMSR. The data is returned in pResult, and the number of double results returned in pResult is returned in nResult. Frequency MSRs (function 0) return 1 result, which represents the frequency in megahertz. Power MSRs (function 1) return 3 results, which represent the average power in watts, cumulative energy in Joules, and cumulative energy in milliwatt-hours. Temperature MSRs (function 2) return 1 result, which represents the temperature in degrees Celsius.

Starts saving the data collected by ReadSample. When StopLog is called, this data will be written to the file specified by szFileName. Note that the Windows version uses wchar_t. StartLog will cause an initial call to ReadSample.

Stops saving data and writes all saved data to the file specified by the call to StartLog. StopLog will cause a final call to ReadSample.

There is no denying the way that macOS is more effective than other work area working frameworks, including Windows. In any case, that doesn’t mean the OS is with no characteristics or torment focuses.

There are various reasons why you will need to monitor the CPU temperature on a macOS. Perhaps you are attempting to benchmark your recently purchased device, or possibly you might want to discover when really the fans get moving.

How to Check Mac CPU Temperature

The ordinary room temperature 22-24 degrees celsius is perfect for CPU temp. In any case, regardless of whether the PC runs 10 degrees celsius over the encompassing level, it’s still alright. In short, the typical CPU temperature must be around 45-65 degrees for a sound framework.

In any condition, if the number goes over this typical level, you should consider chopping down the extra task at the hands of the CPU. So let’s start about how you can monitor your Mac CPU Temperature.

Use Fanny App

Fanny application is the best app to monitor the stats of your CPU usage and its temperature. Most likely, the best part about it is the capacity to function as a local macOS include. When you have introduced this application and set it up, you can take a keen look at numerous views characterizing details about CPU/GPU temp.

  • To begin, download Fanny on your Mac.
  • Once you have downloaded the application, click on the Notification Center symbol (three stacked even lines).
  • Now, guarantee that the Today tab is chosen.
  • Click on New button at the bottom. And click Next
  • Click on the “+” icon
  • Then onwards, you can check the CPU temperature of your macOS device directly from the Notification Center. Besides, you can likewise click on Fanny’s menu bar symbol to see your Mac’s present CPU temperature.

Besides indicating the CPU temperature, this helpful application likewise lets you monitor the present speed, target speed, least speed, most extreme speed, number of fans, and GPU temperature on your PC.

There are additionally a few striking applications that are progressively capable. Even if it’s all the same to you putting in a couple of dollars for additional functionalities, they would be worth it. Some of the top apps after Fanny are.

iStat Menus

For the people who are searching for a total menubar framework administrator, iStat Menus is passed on the best wager. What gives it an edge over numerous different opponents is the capacity to show a wide scope of key execution measurements, including CPU, GPU, memory, circle utilization, organize use, plate movement, battery, and a lot more.

  • Additionally, this macOS application is completely adjustable with the goal that you can conceal undesirable data and make it show just the measurements that issue to you.
  • You need to remember every one of these functionalities will cost ($10) you far more than different applications.
  • While Activity Monitor offers an approach to see how applications and different procedures are affecting the CPU, GPU, vitality, circle, memory, and system use, the implicit errand administrator is still very constrained and does not have an obvious component to show the present temperature of CPU on macOS.
  • This is the app where outsider Mac applications become effective.

Mac Os 10.1 Iso


This application works effectively in offering a snappy method to look at the key execution information of Mac. For example, you can utilize this application to look at a few significant presentations characterizing things like CPU, organize, circle, memory, and even battery.

  • Despite the fact that this warning community gadget comes at $2.99, it merits the cost thinking about the remarkable highlights and solid execution.
  • Along these lines, this is the way by which you can watch out for the CPU temperature of your Mac.

In any case that you imagine that your fan may be broken, at that point, the first thing you ought to do is run the Apple Diagnostics, which is one of the concealed startup choices on your Mac.

  • Turn your PC off; at that point, hold the “D” key while turning your Mac on. Your Mac will test your hardware, and then it will let you know whether your fan is broken.

In the event that the equipment report says all is well with your fan, your issue is most likely a product one. In these cases, resetting the SMC regularly works.

  • This is the low-level controller that oversees warm administration and different things. But keep in mind that it doesn’t comprehend your issue, consider making contact for an Apple Store assistance, or another approved mechanics shop.

If you have a messed up fan, you have to change it. You can go to the Apple Store or any approved Apple mechanics shop. Macintoshes are significantly less friendly for home fixes. It’s certainly feasible. Yet, that is just the situation if your fan is broken. Else you can continue using an application to monitor and reduce your Mac Temperature.


Temperature 1 Mac Os X

In this discussion, we discussed how to check Mac CPU Temperature. We went through everything in detail related to checking and monitoring the CPU temperature of a MAC. The data mentioned here is relevant and authentic; we hope this info is useful to you, and if there are any questions, you can leave a comment below.


Mac Os Temperature

Temperature 1 mac os x

Mac Os Mojave

How can I check the temperature for my CPU?

To discover your CPU temperature, you can look down to the section for your CPU core, for instance, it is an “Intel Core i7 4930K” and takes a look at the “Center #” temperatures in the menu rundown. (Note that “Center Temperature” is not the same as “CPU Temp”, which will show up under the motherboard area for certain PCs.